Before making any concrete plans, be sure to read my Visit Los Angeles post which will provide you with basic information and travel tips about visiting the City of Angels. If you already decided to visit only the popular highlights, or if you are for some reason short on time, here are my suggestions of 5 things to do in Los Angeles which will optimise your time and make the most out of your LA trip. This could actually be quite a decent example of your »weekend in Los Angeles« itinerary.
Things you need to know, see and do when you visit Los Angeles
Let me guess, you (like million others) want to visit Los Angeles, but you are not exactly sure why? I mean, of course you have heard of the Walk of Fame and the place where they give away the Oscars (but you don’t really know how it is called), oh, and Beverly Hills, where all the celebrities live… but is that really in Los Angeles or are those different places? And, most importantly, is there anything else to see in Los Angeles besides the obvious? How many days do you need to see the main Los Angeles attractions? Should you rent a car or use public transport? Where to stay? I have visited the city 3 times already, so I’ll try to answer these questions very briefly in my “how to visit Los Angeles” post.
Hotel review: ALO Hotel by Ayres (Anaheim, California, USA)
Whether you are visiting Anaheim on business (I was there in the beginning of March 2019, attending Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim Convention Center) or taking your family to Disneyland Park, I strongly suggest you to book a hotel somewhere in the neighborhood. While searching for hotels in Anaheim, I was surprised that the prices were quite steep, but I figured that was for the exhibition which is the largest in the world in the segment of healthy foods and supplements. However, if you are ready for a compromise (which means that your hotel won’t be in the walking distance of Convention Center or Disneyland) you can find some pretty good deals just a few miles away. ALO Hotel by Ayres was one of those options that even came with a free breakfast, and since Uber is running very smoothly in the US, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to book a room there.
Slovenes abroad: Miha, Berlin (Germany)
A while ago he wrote on Twitter: »After a year and a half in Germany I have come to a position where I am interviewing other people. In German language that is Everything is possible, if you work hard and have a strong desire to achieve something. « Miha fell in love with Berlin during his study and he moved there in 2017. If you want to know how Slovenes see Berlin or if you just want to hear a few tips from tourist point of view, read on 😉
The best ways to travel to Asia
If you have one or more destinations in Asia on your bucket list, and you are ready to see more of the country, get to know the people and the culture, chances are that you will have to take some time off to plan your trip and find a way to make your budget work. While there are adventure travel package holidays available, this might not be an option if you have a limited budget. Below you will find a few tips on how to create a plan that will match your preferences and your budget at the same time.
Malibu Stars Homes tour, Los Angeles
Let’s be honest, everyone who visits Los Angeles secretly hopes to spot a celebrity. After all, most of the Hollywood movie stars have a house in one of the fancy neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Malibu or Santa Monica. And they DO go out for dinners, drinks or shopping, right? Well, I have visited Los Angeles three times and I haven’t seen shit. The truth is that most of tourists visit Walk of Fame and other “must see” attractions and those are definitely NOT the spots to meet celebrities. There are some bars and restaurants where the stars usually hang out, but those places are not cheap and you need reservations to get there. The easiest option to get close to Hollywood celebrities is to visit their homes. Not literally, of course, but with the help of tours and guides who know exactly where most of them live. Last year I took Hollywood with movie star’s homes tour and if was pretty fun. We didn’t see celebrities washing their cars or taking out trash, however we did get a pretty good feeling about the neighborhoods, heard some “local stories” and saw a few movie locations. So, this year I decided to book another tour with Starline Tours and do the Malibu part. The tour is officially called Malibu Stars Homes tour and I liked it even better than the Hollywood one.
Slovenci v svetu: Miha, Berlin (Nemčija)
Pred kratkim je na Twitterju zapisal približno takole: »Po malo več kot letu in pol v Nemčiji sem prilezel do položaja, ko furam zaposlitvene intervjuje. V nemščini. Da se, torej, če vas nekaj res veseli.« Miha se je v Berlin zaljubil med študijem, pred letom in pol pa se je tja tudi preselil. Če vas zanima, kakšne so možnosti zaposlitve v Nemčiji, koliko stane življenje v Berlinu, ali pa nameravate mesto v kratkem obiskati in želite kak koristen nasvet, potem berite dalje 😉