Sick and tired of quarantine? Well, who isn’t? We have been more or less stuck at our homes since March 2020. Can you imagine how this must feel to a travel addict like me? *desperate sigh and nose wipe* If you are anything like me, you are already making travel plans for 2021 and counting the days when we’ll be free to travel again. However, did you know that a few countries are already completely open for tourism? Meaning, there are countries without travel restrictions or entry requirements due to Covid-19, like mandatory quarantine and PCR tests for tourists?
Vitamin D ni le modna muha!
Smo sredi drugega vala epidemije Covid-19 in stavek, ki ga zadnje dni vse pogosteje berem na družbenih omrežjih, se glasi: “Vitamin D je novi toaletni papir”. Res je, te norije v prvem valu ni bilo. Vitamin D je trenutno eden najbolj zaželenih izdekov v lekarnah in glede na to, da sem sama neposredno vpletna v njegovi prodajni verigi, sem se odločila, da še jaz primaknem svojih 5 centov na to temo.