In our South-West Norway itinerary there were 3 hikes on my bucket list and Kjerag was one of them. I could totally see myself stepping on that boulder and show the world how brave I was. Since it is located relatively close to Preikestolen we planned to do both in 2 days but ended up doing both in the same one. I still don’t know how that happened, since hiking to Kjerag is definitely not something you can just improvise. While doing Preikestolen and Kjerag in the same day shouldn’t be an issue for experienced hikers, I recommend others to take more time. If the weather cooperates, both hikes will be something you will never forget.
Intervju za “BeActive”
Pred časom so me kontaktirali iz podjetja Alpe Adria Adventurers, ki je zastopnik za blagovno znamko kvalitetnih športnih oblačil SportHG iz Španije. Na test sem prejela majici, ki sem ju izbrala glede na to, kaj je manjkalo v moji omari – torej športne T-shirt s kratkimi rokavi. V barvo, stil in mehkobo sem se zaljubila takoj, po dejanskem testu na terenu pa sem se odločila, da pristanem tudi na sodelovanje pri promociji njihove spletne trgovine BeActive. Ponudili so mi tudi kodo ANDA10, ki vam prinese 10% popusta na vse izdelke. Koda ni affiliate, znamko podpiram zato, ker so mi stesirani izdelki všeč. 😉