After the decision about safari in South Africa has finally been made, I started harassing different lodges near Kruger National Park with my ultimate question: “Will I see the lions?” While some owners didn’t even bother to respond, the majority of others told me that they couldn’t guarantee lion encounter. The manager from Vuyani Safari Lodge was a bit more specific: “I can’t guarantee you will see lions; however, our guests are usually very lucky.” I already had my eyes on this property due to their good Tripadvisor rating and great sense of humor on their web page and social media accounts. Having discussed the details with Bernard was the ultimate deal breaker, so I booked 5 days in Vuyani Safari Lodge honeymoon suite. And I literally cried on my way back home.
Planica Zipline – World’s steepest zipline descent
Slovenia is full of natural treasures and there are hundreds of activities waiting for you to try them out. If you are more of adrenaline type you can climb some pretty awesome mountains, go rafting in one of the most beautiful rivers or try out the steepest zipline in the world. I am talking about Planica zipline which is located in my home country Slovenia. I have tried it out in summer on a beautiful sunny day with not too much people around (that is actually a miracle!) and it was a great experience.
5 things to do near Ljubljana Airport
A few days ago, someone asked on Twitter: “Has anyone ever written an article about 5 things to do near Ljubljana Airport in case your flight is cancelled or delayed?” His Tweet got a huge response, but unfortunately mostly for the wrong reasons. If you want to know why, I’ll explain briefly in the next two paragraphs, but if you are only here for the “things to do” tips, just skip them and scroll down to “le big 5”.
Stenice so žive prasice. Lahko se zgodijo tudi vam.
Ko mi je prijateljica predlagala, naj napišem članek na to temo, sem kar lep čas oklevala, ali naj razkrijem nekaj tako »intimnega«. Najprej zato, ker nisem bila prepričana, ali bom hudiča sploh lahko premagala. Potem zato, ker so me noge in roke tako prekleto srbele, da nisem bila sposobna spisati niti enega odstavka, brez da bi pustila krvave sledi na tipkovnici. Nenazadnje pa tudi zato, ker mi je bilo malce nerodno. Ugrizi stenic pač niso ravno seksi.
5 things to do in San Francisco
“If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair” – listening to this beautiful song with a gentle voice of Scott Mckenzie is definitely the right way to start planning your trip to northern California. With so many iconic sights to see and things to do, you will be spoilt for choice if you are planning to visit Frisco, as the locals usually call this vibrant city. If you are only in town for the weekend, or if you don’t have time to do your own plans, here are 5 things to do in San Francisco.
Tiny San Marino
“It’s not enough to imagine it. Come and live it.” A bold statement from such a tiny country, don’t you think? The Republic of San Marino is actually the 5th smallest country in the world. Can you tell the first 4 without using Google? 😉 Anyway, we are talking about a pocket state here, entirely surrounded by Italy, located on a mountain with killer views of Italian landscape and Adriatic Sea. We visited San Marino in the end of April, during our road trip to Italian region Umbria. At first, our plan was only to stay there for a couple of hours but the atmosphere of San Marino old town was so pleasant that we decided to spend the night. So, let me tell you in short “how to visit San Marino”, including tips for those who are traveling with a dog.