Zadnje tedne se na veliko piše, da so stenice na Hrvaškem. Žal lahko temu pritrdim, saj sem bila tudi sama žrtev teh odurnih krvosesov. In žal so bile posledice veliko hujše, kot pri večini primerov. Sem namreč (uradno diagnosticirano) alergična na vse živo in moje telo se je očitno odločilo, da mi bo življenje zakompliciralo na čim več načinov. V stilu »če že toliko potuje, naj vsaj trpi«. In čeprav sem ugriz stenice doživela tudi v ZDA (torej stenice niso samo hrvaška posebnost), takrat reakcija ni bila niti približno tako burna kot sedaj. Več o mojem nesrečnem primeru si lahko preberite tukaj, v nadaljevanju pa bom opisala postopek zdravljenja oziroma kaj storiti, če te ugrizne stenica.
5 common excuses people make for not travelling more
Have you ever wondered what is it about travelling that inspires people to leave their homes and explore the far corners of the globe? I believe travelling changes people for the better – it helps them discover and even reinvent themselves. Journeying across continents is an exhilarating and richly rewarding experience, one that shouldn’t be put off . The tourism industry is booming with nearly four trillion pounds being spent on the travel sector every year. In fact, there’s never been a better time to see the beauty of the world for yourself, and all the excuses you’ve been making to postpone your travel dreams are just not good enough.
Lovely Cambodia
Oh, lovely Cambodia, where do I start? First, I need to say that Cambodia was never on my bucket list. At least until last year when a couple of friends told me about Angkor temples. It took me just a few clicks to realize I needed to see this UNESCO heritage site ASAP. The only question left was: what else to do in Cambodia for one week. Digging deeper for things to do in Cambodia I found a piece of paradise just a short flight away. The island of Koh Rong Sanloem seemed like a perfect choice to escape the European winter and extend Cambodian adventure.