Safari in South Africa

Going on safari in Africa has been on my bucket list since forever. I always thought I would do my first one in Kenya or Tanzania, but after a deep research I decided that safari in South Africa is the best option for beginners. Planning a safari trip is quite a challenge itself; in fact, you need to ask yourself a lot of questions even before you start planning your itinerary. Which country is best for safari, should I do it alone or with an agency, how many days do I need, will I see all the animals, is safari dangerous and similar questions that probably brought you to my blog.

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Potovanje v Južno Afriko – od Johannesburga do Krugerja

O razlogih za potovanje v Južno Afriko in nasvetih o safariju sem pisala že tukaj, sedaj pa bom na kratko povzela aranžma, ki sem ga organizirala v lastni režiji. Najpomembnejši del najinega potovanja je bil safari, zato sem temu posvetila največ pozornosti. Zaradi večje fleksibilnosti in lažje logistike sva se odločila, da prvo in zadnjo noč prespiva v Johannesburgu in ta čas izkoristiva za spoznavanje mesta. Potovanje v Južno Afriko, ki je trajalo 7 dni, sem v celoti rezervirala prek interneta, poleg podrobnosti pa bom z vami delila tudi namige, kaj bi lahko naredila drugače, bolje ali ceneje.

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Petting baby lions in South Africa

My name is Anda and I am obsessed with lions. I have spent hours in different zoos observing these magnificent animals, although this “hobby” can be quite frustrating. First of all, I believe no animal should be locked up in a cage, at least not in a space too small to ensure a decent quality life. Lions are huge, they need space to grow, run, develop their muscles and catch their own food. Anything else is almost the same as torture. Secondly, lions are big lazy bastards and it can take hours before they move. Seeing lions in their natural environment has thus been on my bucket for as long as I can remember. And so has cuddling a baby lion. My dreams have finally come true in South Africa. But only after learning a few very important facts about lions and lion cubs which helped me to put my big moral dilemma aside.

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