Medtem ko nekateri še nis(m)o uspeli v celoti izkoristiti »koronskih« turističnih bonov iz leta 2020, so od 16. julija 2021 zunaj že novi. Vrednost vavčerjev 2021 (FURS jih poimenuje BON21) je 100 € za odraslega in 50 € za otroka. Poleg vrednosti je razlika tudi v tem, da lahko vavčerje 2021 izkoristimo pri večjem naboru dejavnosti in storitev, ne samo pri turističnih namestitvah. Ker marsikdo tega ne ve in ker preglednega seznama mest, kjer lahko koristimo t. i. turistični bon 2021, nisem našla, sem se odločila, da podatke začnem zbirati sama.
Hiking to Trolltunga
Ready for a detailed post about one of world’s most famous hikes? If hiking to Trolltunga is on your bucket list, do yourself a favor: take your time and read every word in this post. In my case, gathering information and writing a blog about Trolltunga took more time than the hike itself. I just couldn’t keep it shorter and leave anything out because this is exactly what I missed in other blogs: Incomplete information.
Hotel review: Grande Fjord Hotel (Geiranger, Norway)
If you are traveling to Western Norway, the famous Geiranger fjord will probably be on your “must-see” list. It is one of Norway’s most visited tourist points, especially since it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2005. Despite its popularity, there are not many options to stay near Geiranger fjord. Especially, if you want to spend the night in a small cozy village, located in the end of the fjord. There are a couple of hotels in Geiranger*, but you need to be super fast to get a room there. Luckily, Grande Fjord Hotel had a vacancy during our road trip and we decided to treat ourselves with a fjord-view room.