Zadnji dve leti je PCR test postal nekakšna stalnica, ki jo moramo popotniki vkalkulirati v ceno potovanj. Jaz mu rečem kar (draga) turistična taksa. Negativen PCR test je pogoj za vstop v večino držav izven evropske unije, hitra širitev različice Omicron pa je v zadnjih tednih spremenila potovalne razmere tudi znotraj Evrope. Temu so se hitro »prilagodili« tudi številni ponudniki PCR testov v Sloveniji, nekateri so jih celo začeli zaračunavati po nerazumno visokih cenah. Najdražji samoplačniški PCR test trenutno stane 150 evrov, kar je 2,2-krat več od najcenejšega.
The Wave hike – How to win The Lottery
Some of you’ve seen it on Instagram, others remember it from Windows 7 desktop wallpaper. This wonderful structure on the photo above is called The Wave and it has become one of the most desired hiking goals in the past decade. That’s right, most desired, not most hiked. Because you don’t just hike The Wave – you need to win the lottery first. In this post you’ll find out everything you need to know about The Wave hike, including the detailed guide to the walk-in lottery system. Unfortunately, you won’t learn how to win The Wave Lottery, because you can’t cheat the system. That was just a teaser to get you here, sorry. 😛