Hotel review: The Oberoi Beach Resort, Lombok

Ah, dear Oberoi Lombok, where shall I start? Perhaps with the scent of plumerias in your lush green gardens, which will stay in my memory forever? With the massage, that almost made me fall asleep 3 times in one session? Or with the picture-perfect breakfast setting? No matter where or how I start, the Oberoi Beach Resort Lombok review cannot end with anything other but a perfect 10.

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Čudovita Indonezija: Potovanje na Lombok

V Lombok sem se zaljubila leta 2018, ko sva bila zaradi uničujočega potresa takrat ena redkih turistov na otoku. Prijetni spomini na čudovito naravo, odlično lokalno hrano in slastno tropsko sadje so bili močnejši od zbledelih slik podrtih stavb, žalostnih oči obupanih domačinov in praznih letovišč. Tokrat, ko sva po natanko 6 letih otok obiskala ponovno, je potovanje na Lombok v meni pustilo mešane občutke. Kar se od takrat ni popolnoma nič spremenilo, so čudovita narava, odlična hrana in cene, ki so zaradi depreciacije valute ostale res nizke. Pričakovala sem precej več gneče in preporod turizma, naletela pa na precejšen kulturni šok.

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Charming Lombok, Indonesia

Following a business trip to Singapore in September 2018, we decided to visit Lombok as a part of our belated summer vacation. With a good climate, cheap prices, and direct flights from Singapore, Lombok seemed like a perfect alternative to its overcrowded neighbor Bali. Unfortunately, less than one month before our departure, a series of destructive earthquakes happened, and we had some doubts about whether it was safe to travel to Lombok. The situation got stable a couple of days before our departure, so we decided to take a risk and go anyway. This decision turned out to be one of the best ones in my travel “career”, and it led to another Lombok visit in September 2024.

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